A quality control plan (QCP) is essential to all construction projects, helping ensure that the project will be finished not only in a timely manner, but also in adherence to stringent contractual specifications. It looks at specific areas that could affect the quality of the final build and assesses ways to reduce risk and improve the finished product. This often means going through a slew of data points with a fine-toothed comb in order to verify that every part of the construction is up to standards.
Construction Quality Control Plan Provides a Framework for the QC Process
A construction quality control plan most importantly provides the framework for how the QC process will function on every construction project. From identification and appointment of the QC manager, naming the team and how the organization will work together, to providing proof of qualifications, the QC plan outlines the team’s credentials and lines of authority. Additionally, the QC plan gives the customer knowledge and confidence that the team in charge has the experience and authority to protect their best interests throughout the project. Here are a few benefits to consider:
Reduce Unnecessary Costs
When properly incorporated with a detailed submittal register, a construction quality control plan outlines responsibilities and submittal requirements that have the potential to save thousands of dollars in unnecessary costs for the contractor overseeing the project. Together, these two things t allow QC Managers to identify the longest lead-time items required on the project and manage the submittal process to ensure that design, approval, fabrication, and delivery match the overall project schedule, thereby reducing delays and additional overhead costs. Especially in commercial construction, apathy towards QC program issues will almost always create a negative ripple effect on the project. These tend to be unrecoverable in time and also have an undesirable effect on project quality.
QCPs save companies the cost of tearing out and replacing materials either because they were incorrect, or because of deficient workmanship. Proper implementation of a well-written QC Plan that lays out roles, responsibilities, and expectations, helps get the project done right the first time. With Gadzoom, we make it easy. Our software allows contractors to create and manage their QC Plans while corresponding to all 16 sections per UFGS 01 45 00 QC Plan organization structure for USACE, NAVFAC, and other governmental agencies, without the hassle.
Improved Safety
Not only can reduced quality set the project back overall, but it can also put workers in danger. As we all know, the first and foremost priority in construction is ensuring the safety of all crewmembers. Quality Control Plans help to ensure project safety by setting a high level of expectation while requiring adherence to the project standards.
Contractors that make quality control plans an integral part of their construction process tend to see the results speak for themselves. Over years, companies can expect to experience less lost-time and fewer insurance claims - leading to an increased bottom line and a happier workforce. The mindset of providing a high-quality project every time can and will bleed over into high expectations within your safety program and your reputation as a contractor.
>> Learn More About Gadzoom’s Innovative Quality Control Plan Templates Here
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Gadzoom enables you to generate important documents in minutes, giving you the freedom to run and manage your business without all the headaches that come with administrative responsibilities. Our company was born to make construction document management as streamlined as possible. Create a variety of government compliant safety and administrative documents at the touch of a button. If you’re interested in learning more, visit our site today.